About Us

We strive toward a world where people don't need to feel alone.

From Kimberly of the Rawlin Memory Care

"Hi there, well the letters are just starting to arrive but so far they have been wonderful. The students are writing wonderful messages to our residents and even though many of our dementia residents don’t understand and can’t really communicate how they feel about receiving the letters, it is a reminder to them of how life used to be (getting mail) and that’s what counts. Thank you so much for choosing us as one of your recipients, we look forward to more letters in the future."

From the Pen Pal Volunteers

“I've had nothing but great experiences with A Loving Link! I really enjoy being able to write to my elderly pen pal and have gained so much knowledge just from talking to an elderly person with so much wisdom. It's also comforting to know that they can have someone to talk to while they are quarantining and might not have access to technology to communicate with their loved ones.” - Hannah Del Barrio

“In an effort to write something hopeful and positive in my letters, writing one way to residents has made me start looking harder for the quiet, hopeful things in my own life that I normally miss. I hope that the residents who read my letter share the same quiet calm that I feel when I'm writing it.” - Breanna Tang

From Aaron of the Masonic Homes of Union City

“Your loving commitment of writing personal account letters to Senior community residents throughout this pandemic has kept the moral high.  The residents have had something added to look forward to each month over the past year. The Loving Link members provide the loving picture or the right type of kind words to say through each letter that has a tremendous effect on each resident's days that read one of the letters. Thanks again for having an amazing dedication by your group to provide the support Seniors need.”

From the Outreach Teaem

“As someone in the Outreach team, this program has helped so much with my conversational skills at a professional level. Talking to people from different organizations has allowed me to master conversational skills and written communication.” - Jaskaran Singh


As technology begins to engross our society, we could use this to reach even those who have felt lonely in the past. This is even more important now than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has made millions even more isolated and many nursing homes close.


Social interactions for elderly residents is not just a desire, but also a necessity. These interactions play a major role in maintaining one’s mental well-being. Without these interactions for long periods, it may lead to a decline in the individual’s mental health, leading to problems such as depression or anxiety. A supportive stream of letters or a virtual visit can not only provide the elderly with companions but also help connect the generations of volunteers and residents.

Our Objective

Our objectives are to give support to those in need of social interactions as a solution for a variety of problems. We will mostly interact with residents of nursing homes or those who have been affected elsewhere as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This program may also give volunteers a chance to gain different perspectives on the overlooked issues in society. Through this program, we would also like to spread awareness of the isolation problems that affect many individuals.

  • Spread awareness for behaviors caused by social isolation
  • Expand our reach to as many high schools and nursing facilities as possible
  • Give the volunteers and residents a memorable experience
  • Give out hard-earned community service hours by making a difference to the individual(s) whom a volunteer interacts with
  • Allow the volunteers to physically see the difference that they are making for the individuals in need of social support
  • Connect with residents in nursing homes through a penpal system and live video communication, decreasing any potential mental health disorder such as depression