The outreach will either bcc or send a screenshot to the attendance team gmail. From there you will give them 15 minutes for each contact form or email they have sent you. For emails they send regarding phone calls, they will receive additional 10 minutes then the call lasts. For example if the call lasted for 8 minutes, they will receive 18 minutes of CS. Emails received about successful nursing home partnerships will result in 1 hours of CS. After checking the emails they’ve sent, please move them to the “Old Emails” section so the inbox is not cluttered.
The reading team members will send an email to the attendance team gmail regarding the time they’ve spent on the activities related to the team. From there you will take the information regarding the time spent and add it to the “All Volunteer Hours” spreadsheet. Make sure to move the emails to the “Old Emails” section once you have looked over them.
The reading will will update the “Penpal Letter Confirmation” sheet with the writer’s name. You will use the name of the person who wrote the letter as a sign that they have written a letter to the resident and therefore they will receive one hour. Each time their name is mentioned on the sheet, it indicates they have written one letter. So if their name is written 2 times, they will receive 2 hours of CS. Everytime you update the hours for penpal members, make sure to highlight their name in yellow so we don't give them additional hours. If their letter got rejected, make sure to highlight the name in red and will therefore not receive an hour for that letter.
You are expected to update the hours of the member you’re in charge of every week. Members you are in charge of can be found on the “List of Attendance team Matches” spreadsheet.
You will self-report your own hours depending on the time you spent doing the data management team work. If you spend one hour, you will add one hours of CS to the main spreadsheet for the work you did.